our son one day old

Twins first days after birth, what would I do differently?

Emotions after birth – any changement in organization?

After the birth of the first twins, a boy and a girl, I was overwhelmed by the emotions. It was an unprecedented experience, the joy of two healthy little people. Of course, I also had some reservations, do I everything right, breastfeeding, feeding with the bottle. Changing diapers, umbilical care, bathing – the list was long.

Tips from family, friends and “professionals”

The advice came from all sides, along with the family and friends who visited me in the hospital. With their tips and suggestions, every day with each shift other nurses came with different opinions and advices. One of the nurse was going too far. She meant without concept how to master the everyday life with my newborns, I could not possibly go home. I had to present her a concept by the evening, which includes the organization, the help in the household. The shopping, the feeding with the bottle, breastfeeding or pumping, the care of a midwife, the childbed – in short, the whole day and the next weeks.


My head became fuller and fuller, the whole thing became so much, too much, so that I got heart stumbling one night at the hospital. It was so disturbing that at 3am the whole program was opened up to do an electrocardiogram. The heart specialist was also clamped. Fact: nothing was found and everything was fine. The stress had become too much for me. Now I wished to go home, I would have liked to leave the hospital immediately. With the thought of being able to leave the hospital soon and to have my peace at home, my nerves calmed down again. So the whole haunting of the heart stumbling was over after 24 hours. In retrospect I thought about what I would do differently and you will find the experiences in the following post:

First days after birth of the second twins, what did I do differently!

And see also the post about twins organization “Time management with twins or multiples. How to get enough sleep?”.

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